Where and How to Order

Mingh Haaix Lorz caux Hnangv Haaix Nor Maaiz

The following devices can be ordered from your local church. Please see the list of contact person in your country.

Dongh naaiv deix ja'sic se haih lorz yiem meih mbuo nyei jiu-bang bieiv. Mangc yiem ga'ndiev naaiv dongh haaix dauh yiem meih mbuo nyei deic-bung liuc leiz naaiv deix gong.


$15.00 USD

MP3 Player

A small radio with a cord attached to it

$14.00 USD

MicroSD Card

A 32 gb micro sd card is sitting on a white surface.

$10.00 USD

Country (Deic-Bung) Contact (Lorx Haaih Dauh)
United States (Meiv Guoqv) Dangc, Gueix-Liemh Fin-Saeng
Thailand (Taiv-Guoqv) Bienh, Laai Jiem Fin-Saeng
Laos (Laauv-Guoqv) Zeuz, Zanx-Yunh Fin-Saeng
North Vietnam (Janx-Sei Guoqv Baaqv Bung) Dangc, Yunh Hiaang Fin-Saeng
South Vietnam (Janx-Sei Guoqv Naamh Bung) Fongc, Zanx-Fin Fin-Saeng

The following devices can be ordered online from their respective website.

Dongh naaiv deix ja'sic se haih lorz yiem ninh mbuo nyei website.

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